
Devilfish Station Langmuir Station Hardrock Station

Langmuir Station was located near Devilfish Bay on Kenogamisis Lake at Milepost 116.3/15.5.

It is not known definitively, but Langmuir could have been named after John Woodburn Langmuir or one of his descendants. Langmuir was a prominent member of the Toronto business community and likely well acquainted with CNoR President William Mackenzie. Langmuir and his son Archibald David were associated with the Toronto General Trusts Company, which took control of the PAD&W before it was sold to Mackenzie and Mann in 1899. A.D. Langmuir sat on the Board of Directors of the PAD&W for many years.

Nothing more than a flag stop, Langmuir sported a water tank, section house and siding. The water tank was removed in 1930 and the station and siding were removed from the line in 1953.


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