
Milepost 28 Water Tank Keemle Station Kinghorn Station

Keemle Station was located north of Wild Goose Lake at Milepost 133.2/32.4.

Originally named Gozo, it was renamed Keemle, likely after engineer Ralph Keemle. Keemle first proposed the idea of diverting water from the Ogoki and Kenogami Rivers southward into Lake Superior to boost lake levels which would benefit Great Lakes shipping. Further west, there is a lake named Keemle very close to the station at McKirdy.

Nothing more than a flag stop, Keemle sported a water tank, 1600-foot siding and a section house. The water tank was removed in 1931, while the siding was removed from use in 1969 and converted into a 1000-foot spur in 1980 (known officially as Spur KI-19). Removed as a station in 1974, it returned in 1986 (without the siding) and was removed again prior to 2005.

There are two videos of the area around Keemle Station in the video below.


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